

Dustwon Private Limited is a private limited company based in India and it was incorporated officially on 11/12/2020. The corporate identification number (CIN) of this company as per the official records is U72900CT2020PTC011042 and the company registration number is 011042. 


Dustwon Private Limited is a with the industrial and NIC / SIC code of 72900 as per the official records. The company was registered in the year 2020 and its authorized share capital is INR 100,000 and paid up capital is INR 100,000. The company’s business is based in the state of Chattisgarh. The company is duly registered at Registrar of Companies, Chhattisgarh (RoC-Chhattisgarh) and is classified as the Non-govt company.


The major activities of this company as per the listed official records are Business Services.



Regional Office :-  Office No. 102 Shingotepark, Gopalpatti Manjari B, Pune Maharashtra 412307


General Details

Company nameDustwon Private Limited
Ownership Typeprivate  
Primary Business type IT Technology
CategoryCompany limited by Shares 
Sub CategoryNon-govt company 
Main LanguageEnglish
Corporate Identification Number (CIN)U72900CT2020PTC011042 
Year of Establishment11/12/2020 
Age of Company2 Years +  
Primary LocationChattisgarh 
Branch Chhattisgarh, Pune, Utter Pradesh

 All India


Dustwon Private Limited is a company that is led by its Director, who has a passion for innovation, strategic planning, and exceptional leadership. The Director brings a wealth of experience to the company, having worked in the industry for many years and demonstrated a track record of success.


At Dustwon Private Limited, the Director is committed to creating a positive work environment that fosters creativity, collaboration, and productivity. They believe that success is achieved through teamwork and a shared vision, and they work tirelessly to ensure that every member of the team is engaged, motivated, and supported.


The Director is also focused on building strong relationships with customers and stakeholders, and they are committed to delivering exceptional products and services that exceed expectations. They understand that customer satisfaction is the key to long-term success, and they go above and beyond to ensure that every customer is happy with the products and services they receive.


In short, the Director of Dustwon Private Limited is a visionary leader who is committed to excellence in every aspect of the business. They are driven, passionate, and dedicated to creating a company that is not only successful but also makes a positive impact on the world.

CEO. P.K. Gupta

Dustwon Private Limited is an innovative IT company founded by Mr. P.K. Gupta. Our mission is to provide cutting-edge technology solutions that help businesses achieve their goals and stay ahead of the competition. With a team of highly skilled professionals and years of experience in the industry, we are committed to delivering exceptional services to our clients.


At Dustwon, we specialize in software development, web design and development, mobile app development, digital marketing, and IT consulting services. Our team uses the latest tools and technologies to ensure that our clients receive the best possible solutions for their businesses.


We take pride in our ability to understand our clients’ unique requirements and tailor our services to meet their specific needs. Our focus on quality and customer satisfaction has helped us build long-term relationships with our clients and establish ourselves as a reliable partner in the industry.


We believe in continuous learning and growth, and we strive to stay updated with the latest advancements in technology. Our passion for innovation and excellence drives us to deliver exceptional results and exceed our clients’ expectations.


Thank you for considering Dustwon Private Limited for your IT needs. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you and help your business succeed.






We are The best

Software Development: Discuss the software development services offered by Dustwon Private Limited, their experience, and expertise in developing custom software solutions for businesses of all sizes.

Web Design and Development: Talk about Dustwon’s web design and development services, including responsive web design, UI/UX design, website maintenance, and optimization.

Mobile App Development: Highlight Dustwon’s capabilities in developing native and cross-platform mobile apps for iOS and Android devices, including UI/UX design, testing, and deployment.

Digital Marketing: Explain Dustwon’s digital marketing services, such as search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing.

IT Consulting: Detail Dustwon’s IT consulting services, which include IT strategy planning, infrastructure design, security, and compliance, software licensing, and procurement.

Cloud Computing: Discuss the benefits of cloud computing for businesses and how Dustwon can help organizations move their data and applications to the cloud.

Cybersecurity: Discuss the importance of cybersecurity for businesses in today’s digital landscape and how Dustwon can help organizations safeguard their sensitive data and networks.

AI and Machine Learning: Explain how Dustwon is leveraging AI and machine learning technologies to help businesses automate processes, analyze data, and make informed decisions.

Blockchain: Discuss the potential of blockchain technology for businesses and how Dustwon can help organizations implement blockchain solutions for secure data storage, digital identity, and more.

IoT Solutions: Highlight Dustwon’s expertise in developing Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, including smart home devices, wearables, and industrial IoT applications.

E-commerce Solutions: Talk about Dustwon’s e-commerce solutions, including online store design, payment gateway integration, shopping cart optimization, and more.

Business Intelligence: Discuss Dustwon’s business intelligence services, which include data warehousing, reporting, analytics, and visualization, and how they can help businesses make data-driven decisions.

Software Testing: Explain Dustwon’s software testing services, including functional testing, performance testing, security testing, and automation testing, and how they help ensure the quality of software applications.

UX/UI Design: Highlight Dustwon’s expertise in designing intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for software applications, websites, and mobile apps.

Outsourcing Services: Discuss how Dustwon’s outsourcing services can help businesses reduce costs, increase productivity, and access a pool of skilled professionals for various IT projects.

ERP Solutions: Talk about Dustwon’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions, which help businesses streamline operations, manage resources, and improve efficiency




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